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Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1238.0601

26. June 2007 Poslano v Vse

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Nato pa posodobite na zadnjo verzijo preko Windows Update.

Danes sem šel spet malo pogledati na get.live.com in kot član BETA programa sem ugledal novo verzijo. Gre za bugfix release, še vedno beta, glavne spremembe pa so tokrat pri A-patchu, ki ima kopico novih možnosti od prve izdaje (RC1).
Prvič po zelo dolgem času sem odinštaliral WLM pred namestitvijo novega. Včasih paše clean install. Če koga zanima changelog a-patcha, here we go:

Change log (build 5)
– Added: Compatibility support for Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1238.0601.

Change log (build 4)
– New Feature: "Remove Help Dropdown Button" removes the Help button from the Login Window.
– New Feature: "Center Main Toolbar Buttons" centers the buttons in the toolbar on the Contact List (email, sharing, mobile, etc).
– New Feature: "Center Standard Toolbar Buttons" centers the buttons on the Standard Toolbar in the Instant Message Window (invite, send files, etc)
– New Feature: "Center Formatting Toolbar Buttons" centers the buttons on the Formatting Toolbar in the Instant Message Window (emoticons, font, etc).
– New Feature: "Show Idle Status" shows those who are Idle as Idle instead of Away.
– New Feature: "Remove ‘My Sharing Folders’ Entry from My Computer" removes the My Sharing Folders shortcut/link from My Computer without disabling the function.
– Update: Updated "Shorten Status Info in Info Bar" option from "Contact’s Status is set to: Away" to "Contact is Away."
– Update: Updated Restore Settings menu with "Show ‘My Sharing Folders’ Entry in My Computer".

Change log (build 3)
– Fixed: Window Title padding in Contact List when Logo is removed.
– Fixed: Toast Logo was being removed when Remove Toast DP was selected.
– Minor program updates.

Change log (build 2):
– Fixed: Removing the advert in Sharing Folders was crashing Messenger.
– Tweak: Added padding to the left side of the window title when removing the WLM/Buddy logos.
– New feature: "Remove the top of the Contact List" removes the area containing your DP, Username and PSM.
– New feature: "Remove Main Toolbar" removes the toolbar with the buttons on it (email, spaces, etc).
– New feature: "Remove File Menu Dropdown Button" from the Contact List.
– New feature: "Remove File Menu Dropdown Button" from the Instant Message Window.
– Change: Added an extra page for options, moved some from page 1 to page 2 and one option from page 4 to page 5.
– Improved: Preview Area has been greatly improved allowing icons to shift places as others are added/removed, allowing for a more accurate "Preview" of your favorite Messenger!

Change log (build 1):
– Removed "Remove Extra Padding from the Contact Manager Bar" option – no longer needed.
– Removed greyed out "Remove Packs Button" option – no longer needed.
– Removed "Add Send Button to Handwriting Tab" option – no longer needed as Microsoft decided to implement it themselves ;)
– Removed "Add Custom Games" option – doesn’t work.
– Removed "Add Always On Top Button(s)" – didn’t want to mess up the new caption buttons.
– Changed "Remove ‘Get a webcam’ Link" to "Remove ‘Get Accessories’ Link".
– Removed "Descriptions" button because now the descriptions are permanently viewable.
Few other misc fixes.
– Added the "Preview Area" which shows the customization effects as you click each option (this will be tweaked further :))!

20 Responses to “Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1238.0601”

  1. jana pravi:

    mene nek zanima a je to slovenska različica. ker neb rada mela angleškega msn-ja ker angleško preveč ne razumem. pliiiiiiis napiš al je to slovenski msn.

  2. Lance pravi:

    en-us piše v filenamu, logično da je angleški. Mislim pa da obstaja tudi slovenski.

  3. Heroj pravi:

    Si kar ne upam dati novga, zihr si bom sesul moje lepe nastavitve in slikice ;)

  4. Klemen pravi:

    Hja, slikce so po novem server-side, edino, kar bi ti znalo iti, so kakšni custom emotikoni. Je pa angleška, ista reč, kot sem objavil par tednov nazaj… Sedaj je treba iti na windows update za čisto zadnjo verzijo.

  5. Gregor pravi:

    Mene zanima če kje lahko dobiš slovensko različico od msn live 8.5

    day tisti kateri ve naj odgovori


  6. Klemen pravi:

    Ne obstaja.

  7. bojan pravi:

    kaj a pol treba WLM čist zbrisat…pol pa šele 8.5??

    kaj pa nej bi biu a-patch?


  8. Klemen pravi:

    WLM ni nujno predhodno brisati, lahko se tudi namesti “čez”. Pravzaprav je vseeno,
    A-patch pa je majhen programček, ki iz messengerja odstrani reklame in podobne neuporabne reči. Lahko sam izbereš, kaj naj ti odstrani.

  9. bojan pravi:

    sm tale 8.5 je še beta,ne?al ni?

  10. Klemen pravi:

    Res je.

  11. ziga pravi:

    ma men sploih noce instalirat ta msn kao mi napise da sm v safe modu

  12. olimpija pravi:

    me zanima kdaj bo msn 8.5 beta v slovenscini

  13. maya pravi:

    mene pa zanima kaj pomen “idle” na Live MessengerJu ko je nekdo odsoten?

  14. Klemen pravi:

    Pomeni, da je nedejaven (na premika miške, ne tipka.. ponavadi t pomeni, da ga dejansko ni)

  15. bmw pravi:

    kdaj pride originalna različica wlm 8.5

  16. c0fko pravi:

    Zakaj WLM želi da je vključeno za posodobitev Windowsov zakaj je pogoj da je vklopljeno posodabljanje windows-ov…Mislim to je krneky če se mene praša … sm pa nekako rešil da se mi niso windowsi posodobil… Obstaja na netu kje verzija MSN-ja ki nebi šla po tej poti posodabljanja preko neta ? Drgač pa je spremembe samo v izgledu … pa tisti Patch končno deluje ku na prejšnjih verzijah mi ni :)

  17. Klemen pravi:

  18. jan vrtovec pravi:

    želim imeti msn messenger

  19. PIT BULL pravi:


  20. blabla pravi:

    zakaj men noče zlowdat tega msnja ? :/

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